My Brother, My Brother and Me Wiki

"Bigfoot Meat" was originally released on September 18, 2018.


Human civilization has long pondered the question of Bigfoot's existence. But have we, in searching for the Bigfoot, avoided confronting the far more pressing concern: Which kind of dipping sauce goes best with Bigfoot Meat?

Suggested Talking Points

Iron Deferens, Mork Tipping, Demons in the Dugout, Failure to Fish, Harry and Fieri, Not Brave


0:45 - Intro - Justin has had his vasectomy.

10:34 - My waitress reached her hand out to take my plate but I thought she was trying to shake hands so I shook her hand instead of giving her my plate. Should I dine and dash now before she brings the check and I have to face her again? - I Fucked Up in Texas

16:19 - Y - Sent in by Emma Rodin, from Yahoo Answers user Cassie, who asks:

Stepdad playing with black magic?

Yesterday my stepdad was in the bathroom and the lights were turned off and only a couple of lit candles there was weird spiritual music going off and he was whispering something over and over again I don't know if he was doing black magic or just relaxing by back I'm kind of freaked that he believes and diabolical **** what do I do?

21:40 - I like to take my family fishing, but we haven't been fishing for very long, so we're not very good at it yet. When we go fishing we feel like people are watching us - they're watching us be bad at fishing. We want to keep fishing but we don't want to endure the withering gaze of more seasoned fishermen. How do we go fishing without other people looking at us? - Self-Conscious Six in Salt Lake (P.S. We haven't caught a single fish yet.)

28:21 - MZ - Sponsored by Blue Apron, Quip. Jumbotron for Espresso Steampunk. Message for Chris from Ana. Advertisement for One Bad Mother.

34:19 - Y - Sent in by Matt Brown, from Yahoo Answers user Star 5, who asks:

If you were Bigfoot would you reveal yourself to humans?

42:48 - Haunted Doll Watch - Goldie

47:35 - Housekeeping

50:04 - FY - Sent in by Katherine Green, from Yahoo Answers user Sharky, who asks:

Why is everything at my grandma's house moist?


