My Brother, My Brother and Me Wiki

"Lactating Las Vegas" was originally released on October 15, 2018.


This one goes places! First, into the mind of our favorite Marvel Defenger, who Travis met, and definitely didn't embarrass us in front of. Also, to the moon! Also, to Broadway! (Please do not tell the Broadway people about our Broadway segment. There's no way we're clearing all these showtunes.)

Suggested Talking Points

Marvel's Defengers, Still Being John Malkovich, Lunar Crank, An Inexplicable Musical Medley, Bad Pizza, Exotic Snaxx, Fancy Slices


00:45 - Intro - Travis went to Comic-Con in NY and met the Doctor.

13:07 - My university requires students to pick up packages at the book store, and thanks to my kind friends and family, I find myself at the bookstore once or twice a week. Recently the woman who is ALWAYS running the bookstore told me "You're in here every day!" I assume she was exaggerating to make me self-conscious. It worked. Until a couple of days ago, when she told me matter-of-factly, "This is your second time coming in here today!" It was not. Is the package lady confusing me for another student or is she stuck in a time loop? How do I face her next time? - Frazzled in Fredonia, NY

19:23 - Y - Sent in by lots of people, from Yahoo Answers user Billy, who asks:

Do you think Neil Armstrong filled his space diaper during the moonwalk (serious answers please)?
I’m working on my dissertation related to the moon. We now know that the moons weak gravity it loosens a astronauts bowels. Did early astronauts know this or did they find out the hard way?

29:47 - MZ - Sponsored by StitchFix. Message for Alex from Stan. Message for Chris from Bonnie. Advertisement for Reading Glasses.

36:27 - All the listeners share appreciation for Justin's singing during Money Zone.

37:05 - Munch Squad - Mickey's Spicy Spooky Cheeto Pizza

41:21 - My boss loves buying expensive imported snacks from all around the world. Unfortunately for me he loves to share. The problem is, whenever he goes to share a snack, he asks me to put out my hand so he can toss me out a portion. He then waits until I take my hand away. This is sort of an unwritten ritual, as I've gotten comments like "Oh, so you were just humoring me" when I take too little, and "Okay, that's enough" when I have pulled away too late. Brothers, what the fuck? What is the perfect boss-pleasing snack portion, and dear god, how do I achieve it? - Panic A-snack in Toronto

47:47 - Y - Sent in by Logan, from Yahoo Answers user Tentacles87, who asks:

If you want an extra cheese slice at a fancy restaurant what is the least embarrassing way of saying it?

52:46 - Housekeeping

55:32 - FY - Sent in by Michelle Smith, from Yahoo Answers user Bubsy, who asks:

Is lettuce basically crunchy water?

References & Links[]
